RTS – Scandinavia ApS 北欧地接

RTS 作为北欧最大最有经验的B2B地接社之一,为客人提供最优质的服务。

RTS 团队总部设在哥本哈根,提供斯堪的纳维亚地区包括北欧,冰岛,格陵兰岛,及波罗的海三小国主题旅游,轻度探险旅游,目的地深度游,公商务考察团体的一价全包服务。每年接待从东南亚各国前来游客达到3万5千人次,尽情享受缤纷夏日北欧风情,探险北极冬季冰雪天地。



RTS 丹麦总部 

地址: Hedegaardsvej 88, 2300 Copenhagen S. Denmark 

电话: (+45) 3143 8900

邮箱: info@rts-scandinavia.com 

网址: www.rts-scandinavia.com

RTS 中国区分公司 

地址:中国广州市越秀区侨光西路11号星寰国际商务中心T2 栋8楼804单元

电话:(020)- 3898 4252  

邮箱: chinasales@rts-scandinavia.com 

网址: www.rts-scandinavia.com

RTS – Scandinavia ApS

As one of the largest and most experienced B2B tour operator in Northern Europe, RTS offers the travel industry unrivalled services.

RTS consists of travel professionals and professional travel operators with many years of experience in providing first grade destination management of groups and individual travelers all over Northern Europe. RTS does business for airline packages, back packages, group operations and incentive business by presenting high quality services to our travel agency partners, all custom made to suit their needs.

We are love and passionate about the Northern Europe and strive to provide every traveler with 

excellent and perfect travel services. 

RTS, Your Scandinavian Specialist!

RTS – Scandinavia ApS 北欧地接 联系方式

地址:中国广州市越秀区侨光西路11号星寰国际商务中心T2 栋8楼804单元

电话:(020)- 3898 4252

电子邮件: chinasales@rts-scandinavia.com


