

北极拉普兰旅游局(Destination Arctic Lapland)由斯堪的纳维亚半岛北部的两个国家共同管理,占地约2.2万平方公里。这两个国家被世界上最美丽的铁路之一连接在一起。该地区以高山、峡湾、森林、河流为特色,拥有清新的自然空气和纯净的水源。北极拉普兰地区拥有广阔的自然美景,一年四季都可进行户外活动。

Visit Narvik

ARCTIC LAPLAND is a unique place in many ways. The pureness of nature and rich heritage gives you a luxury time exploring the culture, local culinary and coming close to the local arctic lifestyle through different activities. The colorful region will touch you with its light during the whole year, and of course the northern light in the winter and the midnight sun in the summer. 

Pure and unique

Destination Arctic Lapland involves two countries in northern Scandinavia and covers a very large area around 22 000 square kilometers. The two countries are bound together by one of the most beautiful railways in the world. The region features high mountains, fjords, forests, large rivers, a genuine nature with fresh and clean air and water. Arctic Lapland easy access to vast areas of great natural beauty that invite to arctic outdoor activities all year around.  

纳尔维克旅游局 联系方式

地址:Kongensgate 41 – 43, 8515 Narvik

电话:+ 47 76 96 56 00

电子邮件: post@visitnarvik.com


