Go Fjords是一家新成立的公司,由渡轮和快艇运营商——北导有限公司(Norled)和旅游客运公司——帝德有限公司(Tide)组成。创立Go Fjords初衷是为了更好地为用户提供峡湾旅程的体验。
Go Fjords是您在挪威峡湾旅游的指南者,并主旨创造难以忘怀的美好时光。我们能为您提供舒适的观光船和巴士,带您前往欣赏美丽的隐世村落,或是著名景点,让您既能看到壮观景色,又能深入了解地方特色;让您感到心跳加速、鸡皮疙瘩同时,在大自然中浑然忘我。在这里您会不禁发出“哇哦!”,“你看见……了吗?!”或是‘’太不可思议了!“这样的感叹。现在就和我们一起,享受这个独特而难忘的旅程吧!
Go Fjords is a new company owned by the ferry and express boat company Norled, together with the bus and travel company Tide. It was established as a result of our common desire to make your fjord experience even better.
Go Fjords is your guide to the Norwegian fjords and memories that will last you a lifetime. Let us take you by comfortable boats and buses to small gems and big experiences. To sights which give you both stunning views and fascinating insight, goosebumps, a racing pulse and peace in your soul. To “Wow!”, “Have you seen..:” and “Is that even possible?!” To contrasts and scenery which you will never have seen the like of before. Join us on experiences which will stay with you for life.