Havila 游轮公司



Havila Voyages是一家挪威沿海游轮公司,沿着历史悠久的挪威沿海航线运行,航线包括挪威东南部城市卑尔根和北极小镇希尔克内斯之间的 34个港口。

Havila Voyages船队由四艘现代化船舶组成,公司旗下船只行驶在挪威标志性的海岸线上,让游客身临其境地体验挪威独特的自然美景和文化遗产。航行期间,游客可以探索风景如画的城镇、雄伟的峡湾,见证迷人的北极光和午夜太阳,并参与到丰富而激动人心的短途旅行中。

Havila Voyages船上的内部装饰灵感来自于海洋、天空、山脉和冰川,使用天然材料和北欧设计,只为营造温馨、真实、轻松的氛围,体验源自自然的力量。舒适地坐在船上的落地窗旁,即可欣赏参差起伏的山脉悬崖、轻盈飞过的海鸟和海岸线上古朴秀美的村庄。

Havila Voyages采用创新的餐饮理念,菜单每隔几天就会更换一次,早餐、午餐和晚餐各有惊喜。美食原材料均来自阳光明媚的峡湾山地,和纯净寒冷、未受污染的挪威海水,展示了丰富的烹饪传统和真正的挪威风味。

Havila Voyages 的每一次旅程不仅仅是一次沿海巡游,更是对挪威丰富沿海文化的巡礼,结合了现代化的舒适设施和对自然环境的尊重敬畏。配备了尖端技术的船舶,确保运行时减少污染排放和碳足迹。

和Havila Voyages一起,踏上最难忘的挪威海上之旅,自然美景和可持续发展两不误!

Havila Voyages

Havila Voyages is a Norwegian coastal cruise company operating along the historical Norwegian coastal route consisting of 34 ports between Bergen and Kirkenes. 

With a fleet of four modern ships, we proudly sail the iconic Norwegian coastline, offering our guests a unique and immersive experience of Norway's natural beauty and cultural heritage. 

Our voyages are designed to provide an intimate connection with the Norwegian coast, allowing passengers to explore picturesque towns, majestic fjords, witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun, and partake in a rich selection of exciting excursions. 

Our innovative á la carte dining concept - with menus changing every few days to reflect the part of the coast you are sailing in for breakfast, lunch, and dinner - showcases a variety of culinary traditions and the real taste of Norway, reflecting the bold, cold, and clean natural environment along the voyage. 

Each journey with Havila Voyages is not just a coastal cruise, but a celebration of Norway's rich coastal culture, combined with modern comforts and a deep respect for the environment. Our ships are equipped with cutting-edge technology, ensuring an operation with less emissions and a reduced carbon footprint. 

At Havila Voyages, we invite you to embark on a memorable journey, where the beauty of Norway and our commitment to sustainability come together in perfect harmony.

Havila 游轮公司 联系方式

地址:P.O.Box 215, N-6099 Fosnavåg

电话:49 172 69 60 131

电子邮件: pia.kuusisto@havila.no


