Arctic Expedition公司

Arctic Expedition公司为顾客提供多样的活动和产品套餐。公司业务涵盖挪威海岸线的游轮,特罗姆瑟、阿尔塔和芬马克郡地区的活动以及前往斯瓦尔巴群岛的航线等等。从北挪威南部的博德到最北端的北角,都有Arctic Expedition公司提供的适合冒险家或家庭出游人群的探险活动。除此以外,您还可以预定我们的独家住宿。

Arctic Expedition专注于北极追光、极地观鲸以及探索其他北极未被开发的地区。您可以选择乘探险船、汽艇、骑行、狗拉雪橇或雪地摩托等多种方式探索北极。公司还提供徒步旅行和巴士观光旅行。我们的团队成员大部分来自挪威北部,我们充分地了解当地的风土人情并且渴望向您展示我们家乡毋庸置疑的美丽风景。现在就来跟我们预定您下一个在北挪威的北极假期吧!

Company Introduction

Arctic Expedition offer a variety of activities and packages. Everything from a cruise along the Norwegian Coast, to activities in Tromsø, Alta, Porsanger (Finnmark), or a boat trip in Svalbard,Spitsbergen. From Bodø, in the southern part of Northern Norway, to North Cape, expeditions for the adventurer and family friendly activities. You can also book exclusive accommodation with us.

We specialise on Northern Lights and whale safari and exploring untouched areas in the Arctic. It can be by boat or expedition ship, RIB, bike, dog sledge or snowmobile. We also offer hikes and bus sightseeing trips. Most of our team is from Northern Norway, we have a lot of local knowledge, and we are eager to show you the undeniable beauty of our home. Make sure to book your next, arctic holiday in Northern Norway with us now.

Arctic Expedition 联系方式

地址:Strandveien 106

电话:+47 91800000



Product Catalogue
