

Scandinavian Tourist Board Introduction

Scandinavian Tourist Board (STB) is a joint initiative by the national tourist boards of Denmark and Norway. STB is responsible for promoting the Danish and Norwegian tourism in Greater China.The main tasks of STB include producing market intelligence, carrying out promotional and PR activities, educating and supporting the local travel trade, and thus ultimately boosting lucrative, high-end tourism to Scandinavia.


职位名称:市场助理 Job Title:Marketing Assistant 汇报线:大中华区首席代表 Report Line:Chief Representative, Greater China 地点:北京 Location: Beijing
截止招聘日期:2019年11月30日 查看详情
职位名称:营销专员 Job Title:Marketing Specialist 汇报线:大中华区首席代表 Report Line:Chief Representative, Greater China 地点:北京 Location: Beijing
截止招聘日期:2019-07-15 查看详情
职位名称:华东/华南和香港地区旅业经理 Job Title:Trade Manager – Eastern, Southern China and Hong Kong 汇报线:大中华区首席代表 Report Line:Chief Representative, Greater China 地点:北京 Location: Beijing
截止招聘日期:2019-06-11 查看详情