
特伦德拉格(Trøndelag)旅游局管辖范围包括特隆赫姆、Røros、Oppdal、Innherred / Stiklestad和南起Hitra / Frøya北至 Rørvik和Leka的海岸地区。旅游局的主要工作是协调挪威及国际市场的营销活动,以及为来该地区参观考察的媒体和旅业同行提供帮助。我们将为您推荐最适合的目的地、住宿、景点和活动。同时,我们也基于本地历史、自然和海岸文化开发新的旅行产品,致力于把“最好的特伦德拉格(Best of Trøndelag)”带给大家。在这里,您可以体验“圣奥拉夫之路(St. Olav's Way)”,跟随前人足迹前往特隆赫姆朝圣;也可以展开一场从海岸到山间的冒险之旅,在被誉为挪威美食之都的特伦德拉格品尝当地最好的食物!

Trøndelag Tourist Board

Trøndelag Tourist Board covers the regions Trondheim, Røros, Oppdal, Innherred/Stiklestad and the coast from Hitra/Frøya in the South to Rørvik and Leka in the North. We coordinate marketing and sales activities in Norway and the international markets as well as press trips and fam trips in the region. We help you find the right destination, accommodation, sights and activities. We contribute to develop new products and product packages with the “best of Trøndelag” based on our history, nature and coastal culture. We offer the St. Olav's Way, the pilgrim route to Trondheim, adventure travel from coast to mountains and local food at its best. And last but not least: Local food region nr. 1 in Norway!

特伦德拉格(Trøndelag)旅游局 联系方式

地址:Nordre gt. 11, NO – 7011 Trondheim, NORWAY

电话:(+47) 73842440

电子邮件: touristinfo@trondelag.com


